Concrete Drainage Pipe We Offer at Pump, Pipe, Sales & Service in Greensboro, NC
Concrete drainage pipe, also known in the industry as reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), has long been used as part of pipelines and other water conveyance systems for the last several centuries. Their popularity can be attributed to their durability and strength. These concrete drainage pipes have a lifespan of between 75 and 100 years when well-maintained.
Below, our Pump, Pipe, Sales & Service team will go into further detail about uses for concrete drainpipes, these pipes' attributes, and also explore some of the more common reasons why this type of piping is particularly popular for use in North Carolina.

Popular Uses of Concrete Drainage Pipes
As mentioned above, concrete drain pipes, like the ones we sell at Pump, Pipe, Sales & Service, are most commonly used when constructing the following:
- Culverts
- Sewers or wastewater management systems
- Storm water drains
If you're wondering why this reinforced concrete pipe is used in these situations, it has to do with not only their durability, as referenced above but also their capacity to support significant amounts of water flow needed for completing the above-referenced projects.
What Are the Additional Benefits of Using Concrete Drainage Pipes?
We've already discussed how concrete pipes are both durable and have the ability to carry a lot of water within them in addition to being able to withstand significant variances in temperatures and underground pressures. Additionally, their resistance to erosion and corrosion makes them capable of having a long lifespan.
However, there are many other reasons this type of piping is beneficial to use, as cited by the American Concrete Pipe Association. Some of the more notable attributes include concrete drainage pipe, include it:
- Isn't prone to clogging and thus no surface-water flooding: Concrete drainage pipes are often used by underground drainage systems due to their ability to handle high water flow rates without clogs
- Isn't prone to buckling or wear: This is true even given the significant water pressure or volume flowing through the reinforced concrete pipe for prolonged use
- Retains its shape necessary for consistent water flow: A concept known as hydraulic performance refers to a structure's ability to support a continual flow of water, and shape retention of a pipe has a lot to do with this. Hydraulic efficiency, or the continual and smooth transportation of water, isn't something concrete drainage pipe users generally have to worry about, as this type of piping doesn't tend to morph in size or shape unless it breaks or sustains cracks
- Is self-sustaining: Concrete drainage pipe has a rigid structure as opposed to a flexible one. The benefit associated with its solid form is that these pipes don't require the support of the dirt or soil surrounding them to retain their structural integrity
- Is fire resistant: Concrete isn't capable of burning and thus doesn't need to be treated with non-flammable substances to ensure it doesn't burn. This attribute gives entities who use the RCP for their construction projects one less detail to worry about
- Doesn't corrode: The alternative, steel pipes, are particularly subject to corrosion and thus wouldn't be ideal for transporting water; however, this isn't a factor one has to worry about when using concrete pipes
Benefits Associated With Using Concrete Drainage Pipe in NC
In a state like North Carolina that sees significant variances in weather, knowing the piping one uses will be able to withstand changes in temperature is important.
Concrete drainage pipe can safely withstand between 150 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit on the high end. RCP's lower temperature limits align with standard freezing points. For example, the freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. A concrete pipe will generally only be subjected to stress and thus vulnerable to bursting when it's been subjected to consistent underground temperatures at this temperature for 12 or more hours.
Many North Carolina municipal, county and state government agencies utilize concrete drainage pipe for water management purposes, such as storm sewers, channeling water to and from treatment plants, as part of sanitation systems, and other industrial purposes.
However, commercial farms in the Piedmont Triad Region of North Carolina and elsewhere throughout the state also use concrete drainage pipes for irrigation. Homeowners and business owners in these rural areas may also use concrete pipe for their septic systems. The use of perforated pipe is popular for these purposes as this piping has small perforations throughout the concrete drainage pipe's surface.
Varieties of Concrete Drainage Pipe That Exist
Concrete drainage pipes come in various sizes, from small, narrow ones used for household wastewater purposes to large, wide-diameter reinforced concrete pipes used for municipal storm-sewer systems, for example. Some common sizes of concrete pipe used in industrial settings that we offer at Pump, Pipe, Sales & Service in Greensboro, NC, include a range anywhere from DN 250 through 2000 MM.
It's also important to note that concrete drainage piping can have different finishes, including a smooth or corrugated finish. Your decision to pick one type of reinforced concrete pipe over another will likely vary depending on its intended use.
Additional Materials That Are Needed on Reinforced Concrete Pipe Projects
Couplings and pipe fittings will likely be necessary to complete any project in which you're using RCP. As you're likely aware, these are used to connect sections of piping to one another, creating a fully integrated drainage system.
In addition to carrying virtually any possible pipe pitting or coupling materials, you may need to complete your project at Pump, Pipe, Sales & Service in our Greensboro, NC pipe distribution warehouse, we also can help you secure the ever-important geotextile liners that can aid in preventing erosion and help retain sediment.
We can help you acquire catch-basins, grates, and manholes, all of which are necessary components in a complete drainage system, and make your drainage system easy to maintain or address debris removal if we happen to not carry what you're looking for.
Our Pump, Pipe, Sales & Service Team Is Your Concrete Drainage Pipe Headquarters
When you're on the hunt for reinforced concrete pipe, it can seem challenging to find a distributor who has the right amount of pipe on hand to help you get your project underway as quickly as you may like. That isn't a concern at Pump, Pipe, Sales & Service in Greensboro, NC, though. We maintain close inventory control to ensure we have what our commercial customers need when they need it.
We also have the necessary expertise in all things industrial plumbing to ensure none of your questions about the uses of concrete drainage pipes go unanswered. So, if you're looking for reinforced concrete drainage pipes and associated supplies, look no further than Pump, Pipe, Sales & Service. We're eager to help with your project.